Sales Process
1. Customer Customer 2. Sales Sales are very important to the company in terms of revenue. If you can manage sales to sell quickly and easy to track payments. It will help reduce bad debt and its effect on cash flow and profit growth. Having a sales control system will help the coFew readersCustomer
Why do I need customer information? To keep a history record of name, address of the customer company is a database in the system To be able to check documents for correct information To be used to plan credit periods Action permissions Create customers Select menu Sales and Customers Press the Create button. Fill in the details completely. Press Save. Edit customer Select the menu Sales and Customers. Select the customerFew readersQuotation (QT)
Why QT Quotation? This is the process of issuing a quotation document for the company's products/services. To make offers or agreements with customers, including product or service information conditions of preparation or delivery credit period and important notes Action permissions Create Quotation (QT) Select the menu Sales and Sales. Press tab 1. Quotation (QT) Press the Create Quotation (QT) button. Fill in the details completely. Press SaveFew readersSales Order (SO)
Why a Sales Order (SO) is required? Is an internal document Most of them will be issued by sales representatives. To tell that the customer has made a decision to purchase the product according to the quotation document that has been notified. This process signals each department to prepare goods and information such as purchasing raw materials. ordering products, etc. Used to control sales orders within the company that are accurate from the beginning to be clear This is to reduce probleSome readersInvoice (IV)
Product Invoice (IV) In case of VAT registered company, Document IV invoice will be an automatic tax invoice document. Why do I need a Product Invoice (IV)? To confirm delivery that they have sent the correct amount and value To invoice and collect money from customers according to the delivery list Plan cash flow for sales revenue Action permissions Create Invoice (IV) Select the menu Sales and Sales. Press tab 3. Invoice Press the Create Product IFew readersInvoice for Service (IS)
The service invoice (IS) is only used in the case of service delivery as an invoice. This document is not a tax invoice. Why a Service Invoice (IS) is required? To confirm service delivery that it has been delivered in full and with the correct value To invoice and collect payments from customers according to the contract Plan cash flow for service revenue Action permissions Create Service Invoice (IS) Select the menu Sell and Sell. Press tab 3. InvoiceFew readersDebit Note (DN)
Why do I need a debit note (DN)? To be used to increase debt In the case of increasing the price of goods/services, such as products exceeding the agreed amount / miscalculating the price to be lower than the actual price Plan cash flow for service revenue Action permissions Create Debit Note (DN) Select the menu Sell and Sell. Press tab 3. Invoice Press the Create Debit Note (DN) button. Fill in the details completely. Press Save.Few readersCredit Note (CN)
Why have a credit note (CN)? To use to reduce debt In the event of a price reduction of goods/services such as damaged goods/deficient products as agreed upon Plan cash flow for service revenue Action permissions Create Credit Note (CN) Select the menu Sales and Sales. Press tab 3. Invoice Press the Create Credit Note (CN) button. Fill in the details completely. Press Save. SelectFew readersBilling (BI)
Why do you need a billing (BI)? To be used for the consolidated billing of a particular period, e.g. 1 billing invoice may consist of 5 invoices, etc., according to the agreed billing cycle. Medium and large companies use the billing date as the starting date for counting the credit days of payment. Action permissions Create Billing Invoice (BI) Select the menu Sales and Sales. Press tab 3. Invoice Press the Create Invoice (BI) button. Fill in theFew readersAdvance Income (AI)
Advance Income (AI) in case of receiving deposit before delivery of goods/services by referring to SO in case issued by VAT registered company This document will be a tax invoice. Why do I need a advance income (AI)? As evidence of receiving deposit payment Plan cash flow for income Action permissions Create Advance Income (AI) Select the menu Sales and Sales. Press tab 4. Get Paid Press the Create Deposit Receipt (AI) button. Fill in the detaiFew readersAbbreviated Tax Invoice (ABB)
A business that has the right to issue a tax invoice in abbreviation is to sell products (retail) to customers for their own use. Customers who bought and did not sell them and provide retail services to a large number of customers. The company is obliged to register for VAT sell retail products according to the Revenue Code prescribed by the Revenue Department. Why an Abbreviated Tax Invoice (ABB)? As a proof of receipt of payment Plan cash flow for income ActiPopularReceipt Voucher (RV)
Receipt (RV) based on document IV invoice/consignment note. Why have a receipt (RV)? As a proof of receipt of payment Plan cash flow for income Action permissions Generate Receipt (RV) Select the menu Sales and Sales. Press tab 4. Get Paid Press the action button ' ... ', select Create Receipt (RV). Fill in the details completely. Press Save. Select the product invoice (IV)Some readers